Soldiers Angels.

I know this isn't makeup related, but I just wanted to write about it. I do have a 'life' category here so I guess it fits in with anything.

Anyway, I just wanted to talk about this program I've joined. It's called Soldiers Angels and you can find the link to it here and their facebook page located here.

Basically, you sign up to support our troops and they have two different membership options that you can choose from: Soldiers Angel, or Verified Angel. Me? I joined as a Verified Angel. What this means is that I have received the name and address of a soldier over seas that I will be sending letters and care packages to while he's deployed. The only draw back of being verified is that you have to contribute a monthly donations, BUT you can donate however much you like. I'm on limited funding (Bah Humbug, Christmas shopping!) so I chose to only donate a dollar, but it's totally worth it to brighten the day of someone who could easily be going through a difficult time, might not be getting things from home, or just need a reason to smile.

I'll be sending my first letter Monday (It's Saturday right now) and I couldn't be more excited. If you think too much about it, the idea of sending things to someone you don't know is a little creepy and I've watched way too much CNN and scary movies, so I'll just be pushing THAT thought to the side. However, with Christmas coming up and the Holiday season upon us, I feel as though it's more important than ever to let  the troops know that we care about them.

Please visit the site. Please sign up. Please do what you can to let these soldiers know that we appreciate them because they won't be home for Christmas with their families. They won't get to watch the ball drop on New Years Eve. They won't get to see the eyes of their children (if they have them) on Christmas morning when they see what Santa left them or when they open their presents and this is just a small way to remind them that they'll be home soon and to just hang in there!



  1. I am so proud of you and the choices you make. Let me know how I can help you with other donations. Love you!



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My name is Victoria! I'm 23 years old. I've had a love for makeup and beauty products for as long as I can remember. I'll be using this page to review and discuss products I've come across. If you have any questions or suggestions for reviews, please contact me!

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