The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag

1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do?
Does not keeping up with getting my hair trimmed count? I mean, don't get me wrong, I try to keep it as healthy as I can, and I don't have that many dead ends. But I just can't seem to make myself make time to get my hair trimmed. I use heat protectant, and thank GOD for that stuff or my ends would be FRIED. 

2. Is washing your make-up brushes something that you do regularly?
Yes! The idea that left over bacteria and germs from previous uses really just grosses me out. I got a sample size of the beauty blender cleanser stuff in a birchbox once upon a time and just a little bit of that stuff goes a long way. I'm not one of those crazy germophobes that cleans them after every single use, but I do try to take time every so often and really give them a good cleaning. 

3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
I WON'T. I refuse. I am so OCD that when my nail polish starts to chip, I take it off. I don't like the way it looks and it will drive me insane until I can fix it. 

4. How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it?
I usually go out if I REALLY need something, as soon as I can. To remedy this problem, if I find that I've been using the same product over and over and I know that I like it and will be repurchasing it, I'll pick up a few of them at once and keep it stocked so I don't get a surprise one day and end up in a funk.

5. What is your worst beauty habit?
Biting my nails, hands down. No pun intended, here. When I get nervous or stressed, my nails disappear. Also, if one of my nails breaks or chips, instead of doing things the correct way and getting the nail clippers and a file? I'll just bite them off. 

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
Does homework count? I'm in my last year of college now and I think I have the equivalent of senior-itous from high school. I just don't want to do anything anymore, you know? Four years is enough! I'm so done with it.

7. When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute?
It depends on where I'm going. If I'm going to the store, usually. Now, if I'm going out somewhere with family or a friend, I usually make sure I have enough time to get ready so I'm not late and so I don't make the other person late. (which usually ends up happening anyway)

8. Can you commit to spending bans?
Sometimes. If I see something I just HAVE to have though, it's harder to resist. I can usually talk myself out of something if I know for a fact that I don't need it. Like lipgloss and eyeshadow for example: I have A LOT. Unless the product is just spectacular and amazing and just one of those things you can't say no to, I have to force myself to walk away.

9. How organized is your make-up and nail polish collections?
I try to keep it organized. My every day makeup is just thrown into a makeup bag, but the rest of it that I don't use on a daily basis is separated into some of those plastic drawer storage containers from walmart. My nailpolish has it's own shelf on the wall that I made out of foam board and duct tape so I'd say things over in that area are pretty well off.

I apologize for not having any pictures! I saw this tag and just had to do it real quick before I forgot all about it.


  1. This is a very interesting tag! I think I might try it too. I am a pro at procrastinating!



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My name is Victoria! I'm 23 years old. I've had a love for makeup and beauty products for as long as I can remember. I'll be using this page to review and discuss products I've come across. If you have any questions or suggestions for reviews, please contact me!

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